Professional Protocols for Skin Rejuvenation with Enzyme Therapy

DicQie Fuller-Looney, Ph.D.
M. Mamadou, Ph.D.
Lisa Helffrich, RD

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is therefore exposed to various internal and external agents. It plays a major part in the elimination of metabolic wastes from the body and, in order to maintain its vitality effectiveness in this role, the outer layer (epidermis) is constantly renewing itself. As the cells move outward to the surface, they ultimately degenerate and slough off. The under layer (dermis) is a more biochemically active layer, with rich vascularization and innervation.

The main characteristics of unhealthy skin are skin eruption, pimples, blackheads, loss of elasticity, uneven color or texture, scarring, and cellulite. Other conditions include excessive wrinkles and frequent allergic reactions.

Some of the above skin conditions result from excessive and random cross-linking of collagen and elastin molecules by free radicals. Contributing factors include (1) an accumulation of dead cells leading to uneven texture, roughness, and discoloration; (2) an accumulation of dirt, skin secretions, and microbial growth; (3) poor blood circulation; and (4) poor nutrient acquisition to help rebuild the new skin cells. Since skin cells renew more often than most cells, it is important to provide them with all necessary building blocks, including amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, water, vitamins, and minerals.

Supplemental enzymes have been shown to enhance the digestibility of foods. This makes bioavailable the various nutrients that the cells of the body (including the epithelial cells of the skin) need for tissue repair and growth. Still another important contribution of enzymes is their ability to hydrolyze oxidized proteins (i.e., proteins that are damaged by free radicals). The removal of these proteins enhances skin structure and reinstates elasticity. Additionally, enzymes enhance blood rheology and even help in the timely sloughing off of dead skin cells, thus preventing roughness and discoloration.

* The above suggestions are intended as a basic guideline. It is always important to address the patient’s diet, exercise, and lifestyle on an individual basis and according to body type. Support products may be added as needed based on the patient’s condition. Enzyme therapy can and often should be used in conjunction with other therapies.


  • “Nutrient Acquisition - The Foundation of Wellness” (Dr. M's Science Notes, volume 1)
  • “Proteolytic Enzymes - Applications and Benefits” (Dr. M's Science Notes, volume 3)
  • “Cellular Injury, part 1: The Dynamics of Cellular Homeostasis and Inflammation” (Dr. M's Science Notes, volume 11)
  • “Cellular Injury, part 2: Inflammation Control and Oral Enzymes” (Dr. M's Science Notes, volume 12)

PROTOCOLS (for Skin Rejuvenation)

Option I
Product Dose Frequency

  • TPP Digest 1 cap With every meal or snack (or 2 caps DigestZyme)
  • TPP Protease 2 caps 3xday between meals (or 4 caps PureZyme)
  • TPP Probiotic 1 cap At bedtime

Option II
Product Dose Frequency

Option III
Product Dose Frequency

  • TPP Lypo 2 caps 2x day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon (or 4 caps LypoZyme)
  • Vitamin C Powder 1 tsp Daily
  • RepairZyme 2 caps 3xday between meals
  • TPP Inflammatory Control 2 caps 3x day between meals

Disclaimer: Transformation Enzyme Corp. neither diagnoses nor treats disease. Our goal is to make nutritional recommendations that assist individuals to find a healthy balance.

NOTE: The "TPP" formulas used in Options 1 and 3 are professional-only formulas, and are not available online, or to non-practitioners. Option 2 is recommended to the general public, and these formulas are available online. These formulas can be ordered via phone: 620-399-7462.

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