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Pure Energy Rx
March, 2004, Portland, Oregon, USA

Dear Readers,

The Truth About Beauty - Kat James Recently I was given the book The Truth About Beauty; Transform your looks and your life from the inside out, written by Kat James. I am nearly half-way through the book and am most inspired by Ms. James writing on personal care and addressing our beauty concerns from a natural and holistic posture.

Why is it the things we know are the best for us, sometimes get slated off during the course of the day due to the idea that it is either too much bother or really not all that important. Does daily exercise really make a difference in how we approach our day and the effectiveness with which we handle stress? Just one example of the things crossed off the list when time becomes precious, or you are just too pooped to pile in the car and drive the 10 minutes to the yoga studio. The mind is a tricky thing; our thoughts can control the outcome of each day, just as easily as our actions. I have found it easier to not think the thought and go right into the action--avoiding all my clever reasoning, which is really not all that clever, but simply a habit.

Ah, the subject of habits, we all have them--good ones, bad ones--an automatic pilot thrown into motion during the course of the day that either supports our natural self-expression and vitality, or takes away from our sense of self worth and vibrancy. Ms. James writes about shedding, a process of true self-discovery that brings deeper issues to surface. More and more layers of outer sensory irritations, distractions and blinders are stripped away, deeper chemical and emotional issues that have been thriving and driving your most stubborn habits and vices can no longer become obstacles.

What I am reading is that the shedding cycle is greater than the sum of its parts. Each area of your life affects all the others. As you apply the principles of shedding to one area, you find it is only a matter of time before it migrates to others.

Within the last year, part of my shedding has been to move toward consuming more raw foods, as they are more nutritious and have the enzymes needed for digestion. We supplement our day with Transformation Enzyme Corporation enzymes using the BODY type evaluation, but the desire to eat closer to the light, whole and natural, began to emerge. As that took hold, other things have gradually shifted as well: less need for caffeine, more need for the stress-relieving benefits of yoga, less facial makeup (just isn't that important, and I like the way my skin looks naturally).

Making constructive change takes time. Do not be hard on yourself. One positive change will lead to the next, and it is the journey the spirit desires, not the end result. The result transforms over time--what was a desired result today can be different in a year from now. Visit Kat James' site at www.informedbeauty.com. Visit my blog for ongoing shedding and transformation reports, and enjoy the article on raw fooding with Paul Nison.

In vibrant health,

Boyd Martin, Caretaker
Pure Energy Rx


The Raw Food Solution...
Paul Nison Afflicted with ulcerative colitis at 19, Paul Nison came to the conclusion that what worked to make him feel better was to not eat what his doctor told him. This strategy and his subsequent discovery of raw fooding led to his cure, and now he is one of the primary advocates for the raw food lifestyle. Travelling the world lecturing, doing raw food potlucks, leading raw food support groups, and educating the eating public through three books he's written, keeps Paul busy, and excited. He came to our hometown this month, and we caught up with him for this fascinating interview.


Enzymes and E2 Digest Aid Enzymes are the doorway to nutrition. No nutritive value of any food is of use to the body without enzymes converting it into useable material. All systems of the body require enzymes to function, and this becomes a serious issue when faced with the over-processed, denatured foods popular with modern culture--most of the enzymes necessary to break these "foods" down are not present, and put demands on the body to use its reserves for digestion. This can lead to immune system breakdowns, malnutrition, chronic fatigue, and early aging. Pure Energy Rx presents Transformation Enzymes developed by well-known medical nutritionist, Dr. DicQie Fuller-Looney. They are the highest quality therapeutic enzymes available at a great price. Take our BODY Evaluation Survey to find out what enzymes are the best for your Body Type. To complement the enzymes, we also offer our E-2 Digest Aid Ionic Minerals formula. E-2 Digest Aid is energized with Subtle Energies that potently work with the gastrointestinal tract, greatly increasing its energy and function. E-2 Digest Aid invigorates and revitalizes tired digestion improving liver function, bowel efficiency, stomach action, and strengthens the pancreas, kidneys and heart. Additionally E-2 offers a broad spectrum of sea minerals providing crucial electrolytes. Enzymes and E-2 Digest Aid are a great combo.

MARCH SPECIAL: With an order of any Enzyme Formula(s),
receive a one-ounce bottle of E-2 Digest Aid FREE.

Thanks for tuning in to this month's newsletter. We hope to hear from you soon!

In vibrant living,

Jan "Shay" Arave
President, Pure Energy Rx
ORDER LINEService Voice Mail: 620-399-7462

Pure Energy Rx - Tools for a Vibrant Life