Pure Energy Rx
Cheap health care for the rest of us!

Pure Energy Rx Products
They call it "health care," but the truth is modern corporate medicine is more interested in profits than in health. It's a sad day when hospitals, HMO's and doctors decide a healthy patient is just not profitable. Well, this has happened in America! Most of us resort to self-diagnosis and self-care, or just tough it out, trusting in Mother Nature to do our healing.

Now there's a way to amplify the effectiveness of self-care, and speed up Mother Nature's work: Pure Energy Rx products have been recently invented by Russian physicist, Dr. Yury Khronopulo. "Dr. Yury" discovered an ingenious way to embed healing frequencies into easily assimilable materials with astounding and uncanny results.

Everyone knows by now that our bodies are bio-electric entities, extremely sensitive on a cellular level to the barrage of stimuli raging all around us in this technological culture. Add to this the often-times physically demanding exercises, concentration, poor workplace conditions necessary just to make a living, and you have a very real necessity for effective self-care.

Dr. Yury's Pure Energy Rx products get to the heart of the problem, releasing the causes of a wide range of symptoms, from arthritis to sore throats, to chronic colds, digestive disturbances and bursitis. Each of Pure Energy Rx products addresses a specific set of energy meridians in the body, and with daily use, opens and preserves the energy flows in the body that bring about optimum health.

Join me in using these wonderful and breakthrough products. I have never seen them fail.

Boyd Martin
Professional Musician, Writer, Publisher

Pure Energy Rx

Pure Energy Rx Products

E1 - Balance & Restore

Formula E-1
Balance & Restore

This is Yin Subtle Energy Pattern that helps relieve stress, anxiety, emotional tension, anger and depression. It adjusts your emotions to a balanced level. It removes blockages from the liver meridian, and helps improve the sleep process. It is good for an open and grounded meditation, particularly when you are in an excited state. This pattern has a calming effect. (1 oz. Approximately 30-60 day supply) Our Price: $25.00 USD

Invigoration & Revitalization Formula E-2
Digest Aid

This is a soft Yang Subtle Energy Pattern. It helps create a solid, balanced and clear headed feeling. Along with a general energizing effect, this pattern supports the heart, small intestines and earth meridians (stomach, spleen and pancreas). It effectively fights "dampness" in the body, one of the main results of modern lifestyles. According to Chinese Traditional Medicine, "dampness" is a major cause of many degenerative conditions, such as disruption of metabolism, diabetes, immune deficiency and premature aging of human tissues. (1 oz. Approximately 30-60 day supply) Our Price: $25.00 USD

Vitalizing & Repair Cream Formula E-3
Vitalizing & Repair Cream

Formula E-3 Vitalizing & Repair Cream is formulated using the finest all natural ingredients. Fast acting and soothing. You will work more comfortably, sleep better and enjoy life again. Unlike aspirin and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs that simply mask the pain, this remarkable cream goes to work on the root of the problem and offers long-term benefits. When soft tissue is damaged the energy flow into this area is interrupted which is one of the causes of pain. E-3 helps to re-establish energy flow. As a result the pain signal stops and the healing process speeds up, increasing mobility and assisting in regenerating damaged soft tissue. Formula E-3 is effective in supporting the natural healing process with:

  • Any kind of soft tissue damage
  • All types of strains, neck and backaches, shoulder and knee problems
  • Repairs bruising Stress headaches
  • Relaxes stressed and tense muscles
  • Surgical incisions, open wounds and cuts
  • Effectively helps to balance major acupuncture meridians
  • Pain and itching caused by insect bites
  • Enhances the effectiveness of massage therapy
It can also be used for people working on computers or whose profession involve repetitive movements that stress the muscles. E-3 vitalizing & repair Cream is made from all natural ingredients including MSM, a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms and present in low concentrations in our body fluids and tissues. MSM plays an essential part in building new healthy cells to replace damaged cells that cause aches, pain, allergies etc. (4 oz. Lotion, Approximately 30-60 day supply) Our Price: $19.95 USD

Energy Enhancer Formula E-4
Foundation Energy

E4 Foundation will help to energetically reconnect your body. So many people in this hectic world do so much thinking they become energetically overloaded in the upper part of their body. This causes an energetic disconnection from the rest of the body. This disconnection can cause problems with digestion and elimination, and lower back as well as many other problem. Energy Enhancer will help to energetically re-connect the body. E4 connects the upper energy centers with the lower energy centers of the body, enhancing the effectiveness of E1 and E2 by providing the proper energetic communication between the organs of the body. It is also beneficial when cellular metabolism is being restored, such as following heavy metal, chemical or pesticide detox. During this time normal inter cellular and extra cellular ionic exchange is being reestablished, as is enzyme activity and organic function. E4 helps to provide the energy for this fundamental organization. Doctors have found it to be very helpful with liver metabolism, kidney function and stabilizing values of the various minerals. It tests very strongly in patients with chronic organic dis-regulation and appears to have a stabilizing and grounding effect on the entire system. This is an excellent product to use in addition to Pure Energy Rx E1 and E2. (1 oz. Approximately 30-60 day supply) Our Price: $25.00

Order these amazing formulas at Pure Energy Rx.