Utopian Free Server Economics
A Mystic Broadcast Network "NEW NOW" Feature

     The Golden Option Utopian Free Server Economy is based on sharing and freely, unselfishly giving of one's time and effort to create a better environment. It is a "non-money- centric" concept. It is acknowledged that measuring one's personal worth as a person against the dollar is habitual in industrialized cultures, but it is precisely that habit we intend to deconstruct.

     A person is valuable simply because they are alive. If a person "did nothing" in the world, that does not minimize their value. They are valuable simply because they are unique. There is no one exactly like that particular person, and that uniqueness is all that matters universally. Of course, it is rare a person who comes into this world (particularly this world) to do nothing. More often than not, they have a mission to accomplish, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually, and spend their life grappling with its execution, or non-execution as the case may be.

     Not every person is born into this world to happily work for someone else in a societal workplace fraught with a value system that says profits are king, you are a cog, and your life is not as important as the life of the company.

     Greed is an acceptable strategy in the current free-market economy, and plays out in the realm of money. Because money is a commodity, there are a few people who care the most about it and so have most of it, and they determine the policies relating to its accumulation and use. In order to have food, shelter and clothing in this type of society, each member must adopt the value system necessary to acquire sufficient money to exchange for the items necessary to live comfortably.

     The Golden Option says failure to adopt this value system is the reason for poverty and most pain and suffering in the world. But the money culture can be transformed into a service culture quickly and effortlessly on the force of a few successful money people willing to deconstruct their view of the world and embrace utopian economics, where sharing and cooperation replaces the need for money, in a world that quantifies all production against the dollar only. It is a daunting task, but not an impossible one.

     The GO strategy, simply put, is to persuade "the rich" to "buy" whole self-generating and sustainable systems, which in turn give their services freely because they are self-generating. The Artists' Garden is our flagship example. Here's what happens.

     Philanthropist X purchases the land, material, and labor to construct a self-sufficient artists' community. The artists build a village that produces its own food and water, handles its own waste, and provides a comfortable space and all necessary materials for the artists to create their works of art. These works of art are then exported to the world for free, just for the sake of art. In the case of the Artists Garden, performance art in music, dance and theater is exported freely via GATE and the MBN, and serves to uplift and transform its audiences into higher states of consciousness so they may in turn deconstruct their habitual modes of thought regarding non- sustainable lifestyles, which in turn will inspire a few of these people to begin their own projects to make the world a better place.

     Permutations of this idea offer endless options to philanthropists to really observe their money at work. They have created a self-sustaining generator of selfless giving in the world, and because it is a higher model, the world will eventually resonate with it.

     Thousands of village communities of specialists in every field can be envisioned, who work selflessly along their own personal mission lines to build fuel cells, or communications devices, to render psychological services, operate an orphanage, university or simply a farm. The key is that all raw materials necessary for the production of any given product are available and processed on premises using the special talents and abilities of people who comfortably live there, sustained and fulfilled by their lifestyles...and there is not a dollar in sight.

     There may be importing and exporting done among communities, but it is on a free- sharing basis. Exciting symbiotic relationships would develop, and the collective imagination would be set free--free from the bonds of the economic entrapment so pervasive today with the vast majority of the world's population. People would be doing those things they most love to do, realizing that inherent fulfillment, free of the arbitrary valuations or judgements a money society inflicts upon its members. Time will begin to equal ART, not money.

     Hence, the ongoing mission of the GO is to encourage "free serving" in its staff members. Free serving is the loving, anti-material activity of delivering a valuable service to another person or organization with the knowledge that that action radiates vibrations through the material universe that build up and return bearing gifts to the server. These "gifts" provide full organism support so the Free Server may continue serving. At every opportunity the GO acts as a Free Server, helping to organize the new Free Serving Work Force.

     As free server village communities are established, they are interconnected via the broadband internet, where they can share ideas, share in each others' services, and work to achieve the highest levels of fulfillment.

     Soon all non-sustainable aspects to society will fade away freeing up all the human and planetary resources now made available in the production of global utopia.

Launch Strategies
        Of course, to just suddenly leap into the free server lifestyle would be difficult for most people, if not irresponsible. Therefore, included in the investment module for staff, is a modest one-year salary. It is hoped the person coming onboard would use that salary to pay off debts and other commitments, and to re-arrange lifestyles to accomodate the intensity and focus of doing what they love to do without worry or care about money for the food, shelter and raw materials necessary to support their particular art.

        The Original Investment for the Artists' Garden would include not only the artists tools, but means for producing the basic supplies of their craft. For example, a painter would have the means to produce paint organically from the Garden's agriculture, to construct new brushes and to weave their own canvases out of materials grown on Garden land, or produce their own paper. Sculptors would build their own cob kilns, fashion their own pottery wheels and tools, and work out the resources for pigments and glazing methods directly from the Garden land itself. A forge and metal shop would provide the necessary metalworks necessary for any machine maintenance and minor to major repairs. The general idea is for all consumables to be produced from the Garden, and if it is impossible to replace some item necessary for production, imports are allowed but strictly ruled by the conscientious sourcing paradigm.

        These kinds of strategies revive the ancient archaic traditions embedded deeply within human DNA. It is a form a new primitivism that flies in the face of the entire "remote creation" illusion caused by long, complicated and distant supply lines and distribution chains. Conscience decreases as the square of the distance from God. As in the current non-sustainable model, manufacturing responsibility and accountability is lost in the distance from the assembly line to the consumer, and consequently gets reduced to a defensive and competitively driven response to threat of litigation and fear of profit loss. Individual pride in one's work gets cut off, as there is no direct feedback from the user of one's creation. Little reward or fulfillment can be experienced because the ultimate recipient of the labor that went into the product thinks the product came from a company, and not an actual person. Additionally, because the recipient of the product has paid money instead of appreciation for it, the interaction ends there. The buck stops. There is no give and take of creation and appreciation. This creates an entire society of ungrateful people who lose meaning to their lives.

          Money is just not enough for most people. To work hard for a company, creating products for people they'll never meet—and who don't care who made the product, but only that they could get it by forking over some money—is a hollow creative life indeed. The GO seeks to collapse the entire production line into one location, shared among a small group of people creating and doing the things they love to do with people they love to do it for, and who in turn love them for doing it. Isn't that what life is actually all about?

        Granted, this is a shocking collapse, and tugs at the fabric of history itself. The great mechanations of society replete with monumental skyscrapers, monolithic factories and towering, pounding machinery reduced to a few raw materials among a small circle of friends. Yes, it's post-industrial, and yes, it's extreme. But it is as extreme as it needs to be to deconstruct the insanity of over-industrialization that steals the soul away from the masses of real human people doing the labor under the thumb of the almighty greed of the elite few.

        The Golden Option holds out the hope that money is not fulfillment, nor the things that money can buy. Fulfillment comes from the investment of love in service to another reflected back into the heart from which it came, multiplied by the appreciation of its uniqueness, and the good karma of its gift.