Date: December 27, 1992, 13:37
From: Paradigm Systems Synthesis Mission, Sirius Ops, Agent Boyd (Meermar Contact)
Re: Reconaissance report, Sociopsychotechnology of Sirius Planetary System III, Meermar

Purpose: To energize economic recentering by resonating to vibrations from worlds where "scarcity" is not constructed into any creative paradigms.

Section 1 - General Overview of Meermar System Situation

One of the Sirius Cluster Suns, the largest, Alpha, approximately 100,000 times larger than Earth's Sun, provides Divine vibrations to eight large planets in close orbits to each other (5-50 million miles). They are inhabited by approximately 5 billion highly developed and spiritual humanoids with a "thought science" 10,000 years ahead of ours. These humanoids do not age.

The societies of all eight planets are very ancient and primarily telepathic, although do use an ancient language of tones more sung than spoken, and a complex sort of rhythmic language used to harmonize bioelectric rhythms and create telepathic resonances. These planetary societies are basically one society with variations planet to planet primarily temperature driven. The closest planet to Alpha is highly tropical, the furthest planet is temperate to cool. All planets are very stable meteorologically with only the smallest seasonal variations on the outer two planets.

Politically the structure could be described as a ultra-benign monarchy with a gently ritualistic honoring of the central controller, who is one male humanoid incarnation, Meermar. He describes his "job" or main activity as assuming the responsibilities of caretaker of all eight planets. He utilizes certain vibratory sciences to carry out his duties, and has seven female humanoid "wives" or consorts or "executives" who are designated caretakers of each of the other seven planets. Meermar resides primarily on the fourth planet from Alpha (whom they call "S'Om", Mirmar refers to the sun as "his brother"), in a level of luxury and lovely comtemplation difficult to imagine occurring on Earth.

A type of hyperspace mass transit exists offering access to any point on the surface of any planet. A sort of holographic-telepathic mindlink device exists allowing instant telepathic rapport with anyone in the society--indeed, anyone anywhere. Economically, there is no money as anything can be "replicated" or condensed out of the local "mind stuff" nearly instantly for anyone. Condensations (as Meermar refers to bio-physically perceived objects) affecting groups of citizens can only be created by those groups.

The types of activities the citizens of this society engage in are primarily solar-driven, whereby the myriad types of energies their sun radiates translates into metaphoric "resonating refining energies". S'Om is quite cyclical within his own emanating rhythms, but is also responding to galactic emanations which put him in telepathic rapport with the various universal societies whose telepathic messages are amplified and broadcast through S'Om in the course of His orbit around Galactic Center.

Interstellar or intergalactic travel is done almost exclusively telepathically by the various citizens, although their "space technology" does include physically condensed craft and techniques of physical materializations directly onto surfaces of other worlds. In fact, for thousands of years, Meermar explorers have visited Earth. There is no disease as we know it in this star system, no crime, and very little discomfort whatsoever, and hasn't been over the period of Meermar's 1060-year tenure as Central Controller.

Section 2 - Vibrational Technologies

Four central inventions dominate Meermar technology: 1) the Hyperspace Gateway, 2) the Telepathic Holographic Resonator, 3) the Percussive Rhythm Resonator, and 4) the Golden Solar-Galactic Amplification Space. Hyperspace Gateway: This device in condensed physically as a door frame approximately 88 inches tall by 66 inches wide (the size ratio of 8:6 height to width is a main operational factor). The frame is made of a highly coherant crystalline material that has a transluscent white-golden-bluish color on a sort of mother of pearl surface. All gateways are directly connected through a thought-driven hyperspace warp. The user visualizes through his Third Eye where he/she desires to go, walks through the gateway and into the destination. Because of a high level of telepathic rapport established among all citizens, no one can enter a destination-space occupied by another citizen without that citizens awareness and approval. The gate simply will not allow access.

There is a Controller Gateway on the fourth planet, Meermar. This is the "resonating master" for all gates. Each gate is made of exactly identical material and design within the 8:6 size ratio. This Controller Gateway is the direct responsibility of Meermar who uses the controller to monitor all gateways always looking for any turbulences and if any are found, straightens them out using S'Om energies.

Telepathic Holographic Resonator: This is the "mass communication" device for this planetary system. Physically it appears as a square light-weight helmet-like device that fits on the head of the user. It fits only on the very top of the head, above the ears and forehead, and has four spires approximately 6 inches long sticking out perpendiculary from the surface at each corner of the device, and one 8-inch spire in the exact middle. It appears metallic, but feels ceramic and warm to the touch, and changes color depending on what class of vibrations are being intercepted. All citizens either "own" one or have access to one. Between uses, when not being physically touched, these devices stiffen into flat planes and are usually stored inside a transparent pyramidal structure. When physically touched the plane softens and molds to the specific skeletal head structure when worn.

When "on the grid" the perceptions of the user are redirected to the perceptions of the grid. Knowledge and perceptions from all the pasts of citizens of the society are available on the grid at the discretion of the inputting citizen. When "downloading" to the grid, the user simply assigns the public sector of his personal Akashic Record to the public domain. The resonator then accesses this common public sector within the societal mind. Additionally, universal knowledge can be accessed through the resonator directly off the Universal Akashic Record. Knowledge and perceptions from any known vibrational source can be accessed with the resonator.

The Controller Resonator on Meermar in Meermar's personal chamber, is frequently monitored by him as caretaker. His responsibility is to protect the vibratory edges of this device lest chaotic fear vibrations upset reception on any vibratory channel. He says, "What is perceived as fear in your biological unit on your planet is actually the perception of non-ordered consciousness. This type of consciousness is necessary for persistence through time, as it is the other half of the engine of physical manifestation. However, it is not necessary to directly access or experience this fear in your biological endocrine system in order materialize physical matter. In fact, accessing non-ordered consciousness is actually taboo in highly ordered, peaceful universal societies, and prevents materialization. Your society is very young, and undeveloped, and has certain addictive tendencies toward the endorphine response following the fear emotion and endocrine response to non-ordered consciousness. This type of activity is disruptive on the Akashic Grid, and is deflected by the natural forcefield of Order as resonated consciously by myself, S'Om and other representatives of Universal Society. To your credit, however, this DNA coded response message is rapidly being eliminated in your genetic pool by your unrelenting copulation-birth-growth scenario."

Percussive Rhythm Resonator: This very interesting device appears basically like a timpani, apparently constructed of the same material as the Gateway frame. It is the bottom of precisely one-half of a sphere with a transluscent membrane stretched over the top. This membrane is struck with a ceramic-type mallet with a soft, small sphere on the end that feels like brushed leather, but very smooth. There are 64 of these "drums" in the system, eight on each planet. Drumming done on any one of the drums is physically audible in the vicinity of all drums.

The purpose of this type of resonator is to balance the bio-rhythms of the humanoid forms with the etheric bodies of the the planets, and ultimately to the rhythms of S'Om. Meermar begins and leads the rhythm process solar-cyclically (approximately once every three months for about a week, and then once every 4 years for approximately 49 of our days). Representatives of each planet in the system join in with their cyclical "report" as a complex and engaging sequence of syncopation is built upon Meermar's original tempos and phrasings. The drums are used solely for this purpose and at no other time, as it is not necessary. When Meermar is undertaking solar-galactic amplification (see below) a trusted-loved representative is given the honors in his place, considered one of the highest complements possible to receive.

Golden Solar-Galactic Amplification Space: This is Meermar's most exalted activity. On the largest land mass of the planet a huge expanse of precisely level terrain in an exact square of approximately 2.25 million square miles, has been plated with a metallic material made of 10% titanium and 90% gold nearly four centimeters thick. There is a wall around this construct over 100 feet tall made of a diamond-quartz type of material that sparkles and refracts light into rainbows. At eight locations at equidistances around the square are openings or gates without doors. Each gate vibrates to the specific frequency of each of the eight planets. Once every 50 years, for 50 years, Meermar enters one gate on his trek to the middle of the plated square which takes approximately 11 days. In the middle is a throne-like construct on a double-tiered stage, where Meermar seats himself and begins his mindwork of solar-galactic amplification. His activity is to accept, purify and broadcast only universal emanations in tandem and synchronicity with S'Om throughout the system, galaxy and universe. He maintains his frequency upon the Universal Creation Beam to assist in the harmonization of physical realms.

Meermar has recently been radiated into the space of Earth's system by the Universal Creation Beam. Contact with Earth's system and irradiating it with the Beam was Meermar's prime activity over this last 50-year amplification cycle. Recently, August 17, 1986, Meermar began his 11-day trek out of the device and exited through the Meermar gate, or Master Gate, as it directly faced Earth in space. This demonstrates that Meermar's activities and energies will resonate to the ordered consciousness within the Earth's etheric body and all those bio-units, human and other, resonating with it at any time. Therefore, any sufficiently ordered bio-unit can access the Sirius Akashic Grid by merely visualizing donning the Telepathic Holographic Resonator device and tuning in.

Section 3 - Sirius-Earth Intersection

New physically inhabited planetary systems come within range of the Universal Creation Beam every 2,000 to 10,000 years. Our system has been in the pre-wake of the beam since recorded history. The first direct vibrations of the Beam began in 1986. The Beam is approximately 1,000 years wide.

Meermar's "goal" or Universal Creation's Goal is to upgrade the Earth system's vibrations further away from non-ordered consciousness in order to increase its vibratory power level. The further away from non-ordered consciousness, the higher the vibration and amplification. Meermar is currently overseeing Earth's international and internal politics and assisting to align vibrations toward the eventual construction of a Golden Solar-Galactic Amplification Area on Earth, probably in the Sahara area of Africa within the next 1,000 years. This is the first such extension project by Meermar, or by S'Om, or by the Galactic Council, although it has been highly successful in other sectors of the Universe.

Meermar reports, "The Earth system situation is interesting due to the approach of what you would call a 'black hole', which is actually a hyperspace warp directly into non-ordered consciousness--a "manifestation engine", if you will. Black holes don't move, but physical matter around them does, and the earth sector of the galactic arm is coming within a few light years of one. This offers an excellent opportunity to expand the size of your sun and realign the vibratory patterns of some of the planets in your system. As your sun moves closer to this black hole area, energies within the star expand, ordering more consciousness to compensate for the non-order of the approaching hole or terminal. Your sun as it expands, also cools slightly. It will expand to the orbit of Mercury and literally stretch the orbits of Venus and Earth--Venus by approximately 30%, Earth's by approximately 9% over the next 1,000 years. This activity may cause some geophysic reconstruction, but will for the most part be benign to bio-units dependent upon their vibrational rate. Climates will change to support bio-life on Venus, Mars and Jupiter.

"Venus will stablize meteorologically and be densely tropical with a mean temperature of approximately 85°F ± 30° at any point on the surface, with air pressure at about 31" of mercury. Earth's mean temperature will rise to about 75°F ± 30° at any point on the surface. Mars will be the cool planet, but never cooler than about 15°F. Jupiter, due to its size and deeper atmosphere, will be nearly tropical, and several of its moons will become habitable. Carbon dioxide, methane and cyanide gases, antipathetic to bio-units will dissipate or condense into solids due to the refinement of solar vibrations. "Your humanoid population density on Earth is overloading certain creative mechanisms of your planet, causing violent destruction responses from your host planet, much as your immune systems respond to life-reducing vibrations. In Sirian society, genetic engineers in our ancient history consciously developed self-generating humanoid bio-units, replacing the necessity of painful, chaotic copulation-pregnancy-birth-growth scenarios perpetrated on your females. Our bodies are immortal and can be dematerialized and rematerialized at will on the physical plane. Copulation is frequently undertaken in our society, but usually it is accomplished on the grid, or ritualistically in female-male rematerializations. Each citizen can rematerialize their bio-bonding units or genitalia at will and alter their physical appearance within a 30% range. All sex is what you might call 'tantric' in that the goal of copulation is to resonate to the orgasm of Creation itself, or perhaps better said, the ectasy of the Universal Field. The ecstasy vibration is important and powerful in our society.

"New citizens arrive and others depart from all over the galaxy and universe. Many such eternal societies exist in the universe, and often entities exiting a body in other denser solar-planetary lifestreams come to our solar-planetary lifestreams to rest and recuperate before re-entering denser vibrations, for whatever reason.

"It seems a common practice for entities to desire to explore dense realms near non-ordered consciousness. Although in our society it seems illogical, these 'incursions into the void' have their purpose to focus newly physically incarnated god-units. This focussing, by these densely weighted 'trial by fire' methods, teaches the god-unit about his personal power and his relationship with ordered and non-ordered consciousness. Knowledge of these states enable the god-unit to consciously determine its course in the universe.

"In Sirian society our 'food' is the cognitive process. The 'a-ha' response is actually a local psycho-physiological response to an influx of universal sustenance or cognitive energy, filtered and stepped down through the various transformers and resonators we use in our technology consciously. Compared to your dense bio-units, we have practically no etheric shell. When transmaterializing through hyperspace to your realm we must consciously create a etheric shell lest we be literally crushed under the weight of the density of the vibrations in your solar sector. This situation is beginning to change in your solar system and will continue to change faster than you can comprehend, requiring super-functional flexibility and tenacity to harmony in your race minds and bio-units over the next 1,000 years. It will not be without help that you accomplish this."

Section 4 - Meermar System History

Meermar's current "reign" has been approximately 1060 years. Prior to that a Controlling Council of the Brotherhood of S'Om Planets, of which Meermar was a member, was the "governing" or caretaking body. The decision to place Meermar as a single-entity caretaker came about as a result of the installation of the Golden Amplification Area. This was seen by the Council as the logical step in simplification of the heirarchy. The Controlling Council broke itself down into female forms presiding over each of the seven planets, assigning Meermar his own Control Planet. Refinements in the Gateway technology also contributed to streamlining the heirarchy.

Meermar: "The Council of the Brotherhood of S'Om Planets had been in existence for over 250,000 years, and came about as a result of genetic engineering, which eliminated the birth-growth-death genes in the humanoid DNA resonance. Surprisingly, when this happened the various other bio-units, referred to as 'animals' on your world, began gaining abilities of speech and telepathy, and now are considered valued members of our society. There are only sensient bio-units in our solar system.

"There are approximately 20,000 sensient mammal and reptilian species, plus innumerable telepathic sensient flora on our worlds creating a wondrous bio-diversity driven mainly by proximity to S'Om. The humanoid population is in the most efficient balance possible sustainable by the various planetary entities. Usually humanoid populations are only .5 to 1% of the total sensient population. All sensient populations on the planet have at least some access to the Akashic Grid. Humanoids seem to be the most interested in sharing individual group thoughts, experiences, and knowledge, hence their technologies to that end.

"Perhaps most significant in our history is the first intergalactic linkage of S'Om to another god-sun-unit. This linkage occurred during an ancient Creation Beam Movement through our system approximately one million of your years ago. Prior to that, our civilization was much like yours is now. The Linkage created direct access to the Universal Akashic Grid for certain of our species. Upon access to this Grid, our ancestors perceived that most of the universe is highly refined and populated by the most beautiful and etheric of beings in fantastically civilized and lovely societies. By comparison our lives were dense and rough and very much the exception to the rule, as are your lives now. The universal intention seemed to be to develop an amplification system that would reduce the time effect in the proximity of non-ordered consciousness. This intention has apparently been in existence for millions of your years, but that is relative due to your non-ordered proximity time expansion. It took approximately one million of your years for us to 'get up to speed' with the rest of the universe, but the Universal Grid learned much from our experience, and intends to accomplish in 1,000 of your years what took one million of ours.

"Again, time is very relative and is the conundrum of physical existence. For example, the receiving entity for this report receives telepathic bits of information I've been broadcasting for 50 of your years. He is then stringing together his perceptions of that information into coherences and concepts about the sectors of information available on the Grid in my mind sector. He may not know it, but he also has the ability to access any being in the universe and extract coherences at will, as do many on your world. As he enters this information onto the magnetic disc of his simple computing device, time for him speeds up, so that biodynamically three hours seems like 30 minutes.

Section 5 - Meermar System Planetary Configurations

"As mentioned before, there are eight planetary sphere entities orbiting our sun, S'Om. These entities are all in the same size class ±25%, about the size of your Jupiter. The smallest are closest to S'Om, the largest are furthest away. Only one of the planets has a moon, the outermost one and it is where we conduct our universal interface explorations. It is about the size of your Earth, with very similar climate, although without the terrible extremes at the poles and meteorological instability.

"As mentioned earlier, the ecstasy vibration is important and a source of power in our system, thus one of my duties or joys is to copulate with the humanoid female materializations of the former Council once every Solar Year, or approximately once every four of your years. This allows us to finely tune our vibrations to the Common Vibration of S'Om through our intermingling and resonating with His ecstasy field.

"Because our language is telepathic and conceptual, assigning planet entity names is a matter of somewhat random interpretations of mindstuff. However, using our musical language perhaps would communicate best the vibration of each planet.

"The tropical planet closest to S'Om is Pa'rr'is (or Paris). It is approximately 25 million miles from S'Om. There most of the humanoid citizens use female bio-units which seem to harmonize best with tropical flora and fauna. They are athletically oriented engaging in dance and a kind of non-contact martial arts as primary activities. There are the most aquatic sentient bio-unit types on Paris, although Paris does not have the highest percentage of water. All water on Paris is non-saltine or fresh and all bacterial forms are bio-enhancing and telepathic. There is the lowest percentage of humanoids on Paris, making up approximately .1% of all sensient lifeforms. The primary lifeform is much like your anaconda snake, but in many colors, and without the carnivorous tendencies. They are the S'Naaul, and are very spiritual. They also do not die and are not born, they do, however, have a form of copulation that involves swallowing each other, and is very poignant to observe. They do not eat, but stare at S'Om for their nourishment. The 'Queen' or Controller of Paris is the humanoid by the same name. She usually materializes much like the archetypal human amazon, but without the dense violent tendencies of your Earth types. Her skin is dark, her hair is black, sometimes long, sometimes short, and she usually materializes physically taller than I.

"The next planet out is the closest together, only 5 million of your miles from Paris. It is Gen'eér'aa (or Genera), ruled by the lovely goddess of the same name. Genera possesses the greatest bodies of water, and is about 10% larger than Paris. In fact, only about 25% of her surface is land. The oceans contain the largest aquatic mammalians of any of the planets. We humanoids call them E'eera, as that is what they call themselves, and they are much like your whales, only about ten times larger. Many of the oldest ones are over a half-mile long and host entire species groups in their digestive cavities and upon their skins. They arrived on Genera shortly after Linkage, about one million years ago, from the linking star and are the main lifeform in terms of sheer total bulk on Genera. They still engage in copulation, pregnancy, birth and death, but it is very subtle, slow, graceful and dignified. The entire species is involved in the seeding and pregnancy of one female and it only happens about once every 50 years, and only happens upon the death of a single E'eera, which also happens once every 50 years. Lifespans seem to be random and mysterious, and the E'eera maintain irrelevant, but some members of the species seem to have been physically incarnated for as much as 500,000 years. Genera Herself is physically tall and thin with flaming red hair and large blue eyes. Her abode and chamber is a large floating island approximately 80 miles long and 60 wide, and she telekinetically controls it. During copulation episodes, however, she has always been at landfall, usually near the northern pole.

"The third planet out is Thee'on, approximately 20 million miles from Genera. It has the most land mass percentage, with only 10% of its surface covered with small shallow, very salty seas, that are more like large saltine lakes. It is very mountainous with giant waterfalls a commonplace occurrence. Mountain elevations reach over 45,000 feet in some areas. Despite its mountainous terrain, Theeon has a very stable temperate climate overall. At the very highest altitudes it gets cold enough to freeze water into snows, but rarely does it get much colder than that. At the lowest elevations it is subtropical, teeming with airborne fauna. The dominant species is the Ae'rie, a large owl-like bird with the coloration of a parrot at low altitudes and subtler colors at high altitudes. It speaks its own language of clicks and facial expressions, but has also adopted the tonal-musical language of the humanoids, whom they refer to as 'Huns'. Their arrival on Theeon is mysterious and they are a secretive race of sentience, that seem to be driven by a racial agenda outside many of our paradigms. It is Theeon's belief that they are the Original Bird archetypal template and work to spread and balance the bird form throughout the universe, but upon this point they will only allow inference. They are cooperative, yet aloof, yet attend to their bio-symbiotic functions on Theeon without prompting. They seem to generate their nutrition by consuming each others' wing feathers, which then are grown back rapidly after flying through a waterfall. They will not fly over any saltine seas, and seem to congregate around waterfalls for most of their social intercourse. It has been impossible to determine how many there are, and what their copulation practices are, if any, as they maintain a sheild of quiet secrecy, at least from Theeon herself. Theeon herself is usually of short, dainty build, with a very youngish, almost adolescent boyish look about her. She has very light skin, and usually short fine reddish-brown hair. I am constantly impressed with her intellectual capacities and fluid mind.

"The fourth planet entity from S'Om is my beloved Meermar. We have an equal land-to-sea ratio, but a relatively low population of sentient bio-units, out of consideration for my other duties. Lifeforms much like your monkeys, dogs, cats and horses, seem to dominate. There are horse-types on all but one planet, and dog and cat-types on all planets, but on Meermar, they are about equal in density and intersocial, freely speaking our music language, a couple of dialects of their own and, of course, freely access the Grid. I have humanoid assistants and dear confidants to help me with my duties. My total direct staff numbers around 10,000, but I am in direct social communication with only about 50 humanoids on Meermar herself. Actually in comparison with the other planets in the system, Meermar is the least interesting, or least extreme of them all biologically or atmospherically. Most of Meermar's interest and intensity is caused by the Controlling Resonators on her surface. These are contained in special constructions with the same vibration as temples in your culture. The temples are highly refined archetechturally always following our sacred 8:6 ratio. I make slight modifications to the buildings and surrounding flora periodically to keep it interesting for visiting citizens, but for the most part I keep it serene. The Controlling Resonators operate most efficiently on Meermar due to its highly crystalline structure. Crystals similar to your quartz are everywhere and subterranean on Meermar. Underneath all Controlling Resonators are Master Crystals from five to ten miles long. Due to this energy intensity citizens from all planets beam in through the Meermar resonators as a sort of bio-dynamic field harmonizing. Of course, the main feature of Meermar is the Golden Solar-Galactic Amplication Space in the central region of the largest continent, near my personal estate.

"The fifth planet out is Zee'rron (or Zeeron). It is primarily insect and reptile inhabited, with a numerous species of small horse with hoofs on its front legs and dog-like rear legs and feet. It is the planet of lakes and marshes, very minor altitude changes, and practically no real definable continents, as the ebb and flow of Zeeron's magnetic fields move marshes and lakes slowly around its land masses. The deepest any water gets is 200 feet, and it is teeming with snake-types, and crawling and flying insects of tremendous variation and color. All these species are very cooperative and telepathic, many sharing group minds and sometimes even one etheric body for millions of creatures. The most prominent species are the Zee, as they refer to themselves, which is a small flying sensient insect with a face with two to four eyes. It is about the size of your hummingbird, and flies similarly, but has large front-facing expressive eyes. They communicate in groups--that is, group to group, and have a complex language of harmony, so that observing them in social intercourse is like listening to a thousand-member choir. Their voice is a vibration that requires at least ten Zee to produce, and sounds surprisingly humanoid. They are very sociable and cooperative, maintaining strong interrelations with all species on the planet. They have the ability to teleport themselves through hyperspace, but only in groups of ten or more. Their copulation rituals are infinite in variety, but usually involve huge masses of thousands of Zee vocalizing a single note while hovering in a sphere. This type of copulation affects the magnetic field of Zeeron and actually moves lakes and marshes. I have personally witnessed it several times, and it is a truly joyous vibration, very energizing to humanoids. Many interspecies rituals have sprung from this activity and S'Om Himself often radiates specifically to the Zee. Zeeron herself is my favorite conversationalist and empath. She changes her appearance constantly, so I never know what to expect. I still don't know her original form, if there is one. During our last copulation, she appeared to me at first as an ancient adolescent humanoid, and in the course of our activity metamorphized herself through an aging process ending our ecstasy as an beautifully aged woman. Always full of surprises, Zeeron is the fun entity.

"Sixth out from our beloved S'Om, is Tet'ron'a, the planet of silence. There is never any wind or breeze on the surface of Tetrona. It is temperate and smooth, with vast plains and spaces of silence. Its oceans are calm and very blue, deep and clear. Its salient lifeform is various subspecies of humanoid--some with hairy bodies, others with scales for skin, still others with varied patches of bright skin colors. There are what you may refer to as "mermaids" in the oceans and "capricorns" on the land. The humanoid theme is strong on Tetrona. The only real vocalizing is by the mermaids and mermen of the oceans, and they exclusively sing incredibly ecstatic songs. The humanoid species are very telepathic and mentally active. Chess-type games and mathmatical pursuits are engaged in as main activities. There are great crystalline caves wherein live grand wizard-type societies who rarely physically see each other, but who are in constant telephathic communion. They meditate in solitude nearly all the time and appear as your Indian yogis. They gain their nutrients from vibrations in the crystal caves. They seem to know everything and never originate a communication. They will always answer any question put to them, but rarely spend more than a few seconds in answer. Tetrona herself is very serene and meditative. She has only varied her appearance once in the thousand years I have known her, and that was to change the length of her fingernails. She is almost Oriental-looking with wondrous almond-shaped eyes, a perfectly proportioned body exactly the same height as mine, and long, straight, jet black hair that glistens in the light.