DATE: 08.13.2017 (Gregorian)
RE: Time Pod Sequestration
FROM: Earth (Teegeeack/Celestria/Placentia) Agent Boyd, Meermar Lineage

After the recalibration following the Regeneration Cube commandeering by Earth Dark Cabal, I was released from the forcefield incarceration for approximately 6 earth-months after the last report (12.12.03).

Once the Dark Cabal became aware of my release by Tetrone Meermar, they stepped up efforts to derail and impede my life force. The Dark Cabal does time warfare, re-editing and changing timelines to suit their nefarious agendas. In Earth's case, the DC has created the "time fold", whereby cultural engrams installed over hundreds of thousands of years are continually re-stimulated as a means of control. This has the effect of a human group re-living ancestral traumas over and over again, without the ability to comprehend a pattern, or effectively act to prevent it. Mainly groups and nations are targetted for these time folds, and occasionally, world leaders and other individuals are targetted depending on future scenarios the Dark Cabal has seen in their time matrices.

With the installation of the "HAARP" hyper-scalar broadcast installations on the planet, integrated with the atmospheric dispersants of magnetically-charged programmable particles ("chemtrails"), the Dark Cabal can run time folds granularly upon individuals, even within other time folds. Before these installations, it was only possible to time fold large groups or nations. The effects of this extreme use of time folds are social unrest, cancers and other autoimmune diseases, geological and meteorologic upheavals, and interruption of normal Sol cycles. In effect, this caused the Critical Red Alert Meermar mentions below.

Tetrone Meermar:

"Welcome back, Agent Boyd! We celebrate your return to The Mission. The condition of your Earth reached Critical Red Alert in your year 2012, created by the Dark Cabal's extreme use of time folds, the effects of which were amplified by the Galactic Alignment. At that time and up to and including now, the Resonating Alignment Dynamo was activated and now operates at full capacity. This has never been necessary in the history of its use, and required special dispensation by the Galactic Board, as it previously had been considered too risky due to its tremendous power and the pressure it can put on a solar system. However, we researched this deeply and gained the cooperation and grand influence of Sol in this endeavor. We are forever grateful to Him for His deep and abiding love for His planets. It has made it possible to begin to "unfold" His beloved Daughter Earth's timeline from the Dark Cabal's meddling. In order to protect the Earth Agent Boyd, on June 21, 2004, we found it necessary to sequester him in a time pod for safety. These pods are like an "armored time vessel" that allows the target to remain on a temporary substitute timeline without being edited out of it. The voyages within these time pods can be treacherous and tumultuous, as such forces as the Dark Cabal's time folding has been creating a rough ride! Our dear friend, Sol, has brilliantly acted to help unfold the time folds. The result, as reflected in human affairs on Earth, all the "folds", when straightened, reveal the Dark Cabal's agendas. We will continue to run the Dynamo until the Earth timeline is restored. This timeline restoration, once completed, will meld the fragmented parallel universes back into one Great Harmony with the Universal Peace Matrix governing this entire Universe. These are exciting times for Earth. Humans on her surface will soon become aware of a certain deep, upwelling joy in their lives without an apparent cause. This is because they are waking up to Who They Truly Are--infinitely powerful and loving beings."

The "time pod" I've been in for the past 13+ years effectively isolated me from the Meermar energies by blocking or cutting the etheric cord normally in place to connect me to the entire Lineage. It was determined not to give me any advance warning about the Time Pod Sequestration, as it would have been unnecessarily confusing to this Agent.

While in the pod, I proceeded with my life, but with a different "faux timeline" to keep me immune to the time folds, and yet spiritually "asleep", as happened before, but for different reasons (as covered in a previous report). Coming out of a time pod is not done abruptly, as it can cause physical damage to the body. However, due to the urgency of the Earth Situation, I was rapidly and as smoothly as possible "de-sheathed" from the Pod, starting Dec. 21, 2012. The exit from the Time Pod has been over a four-year period, and has resulted in some physical injury, including blood vessel inflammation (also known as "fibromyalgia'), seborrheic dermatitis (caused by temporal "de-syncing"), generalized anxiety, and a "tuning down" of the main chakras, resulting in destructive economic synchronicities, and emotional and spiritual depression and confusion. This "tuning down" was deliberate, as chakras fully active would have literally burned the body upon exit from the pod.

It is interesting to note that while in the pod, my female partner was subjected to scalar wave and time-fold attacks by the Dark Cabal, resulting in cancer and a premature exiting from the body. Because I was in the pod, I was not able to perceive that this was indeed an attack meant to disturb and distract me from The Mission. This demonstrates that the Dark Cabal was not aware of my sequestration in the pod, since such an attack ultimately only strengthened my resolve once the de-sheathing was complete, not to mention my greatly increased awareness of the Dark Cabal's activities.

Today, i re-connected with the Miramar Lineage etheric cord, and am in the process of healing the "temporal injuries" I've sustained from so rapidly exiting the pod. Meermar said that ideally, it should have taken the same amount of time to exit the pod as a subject is in the pod.

I have been engaging in deep and intensive chakra re-building and re-charging using several technologies that have broken out of the time folds, as Meermar points out, mainly due to Sol's heroic efforts to relay and amplify the powerful energies emanating from the Dynamo. These consciousness technologies process out the temporal "engrams" inflicted from time folding, instantly freeing up "soul fragments" caught in the time fold engrams. This has the side effect of repairing damaged DNA, and goes further to activating those DNA strands that have been "de-commissioned" as a result of repeated time folds over several thousands of Earth years.


SPECIAL NOTE: Although these debrief reports have been posted on the Internet since Earth year 1996, I will be broadcasting audio readings of the reports over Internet radio for the Mystic Broadcast Network. I will be making further reports on planets in the No'a System near Galactic Center, Tetrone Meermar's home world, as well as gathering reports from other Meermar brothers in the Lineage, spread across the Universe. The purpose of this type of reporting is to resonate and activate the latent "remote viewing" ability in Earth humans--a precursor skill to enabling pan-dimensional hyper-teleportation anywhere in the Universe.

As Tetrone Meermar proclaimed originally: "Tune in to the mystic broadcast of Oneness emanating from every point in the Universe!"